Sunday, 18 August 2013

Top tips for Working Super-Mums

  •  ·         Tell the kids you have hidden a set amount of money around their pigsty bedrooms. They’ll have to clean it to find it all. Put the last bit in a very difficult to find spot. Amazing what incentive can do.

    ·         We all know there’s a hole in the washing machine where all lost socks go. Peg the pairs together before you pop them in.

    ·         Set the kids alarm clocks 10 minutes early so they’ll be ready on time.

    ·         Sick of finding soggy towels on the bathroom floor? Colour code each kid’s. Then the culprits will be obvious. Just hope they don’t cotton on to the ability to frame a sibling.

    ·         Ditto with drinking glasses. Mine seem to think we have an endless supply and go for a new one each time they quench their thirst. Get them each 1 in differing colours. Trust me, if someone sees someone else drinking out of theirs, they’ll pounce for sure.

    ·         Have a no TV night.

    Yes, none.  

    Just make sure it’s not when your favourite show is on obviously.
    It’s amazing what you and the family will find to do together. Games, movie nights etc.

     One of our favourite games is Pictionary. It’s just hilarious!

    If they aren’t in the mood to participate in family adventures, you MAY be fortunate enough to get those rooms cleaned.

    Maybe even combine the first money hiding tactic with this one.

    Think of the power you’ll be saving if you make it a NO SCREEN night! That includes TV’s, Computers and IPods.  (yes it may kill them )

    ·         This one I got from FB somewhere a while back and it’s my favourite!

    Sick of telling the kids to put things away? You’re not alone baby. Some genius came up with this idea.....
    Put the offending objects in a box. To get the objects back, the kids have to choose one of the cards attached to the box. The cards have chores on them!!! Once the chore is performed to your satisfaction, the object can be returned!!

    I told you....genius. works!!!! 

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